Get specific debt information reported by committees. Schedule D shows all debts owed. If you just need total debts, use get_candidate_totals().
get_itemized_debts(data = NULL, api_key = Sys.getenv("DATAGOV_API_KEY"), data_structure = "tidy", min_amount_incurred = NULL, min_payment_period = NULL, max_payment_period = NULL, creditor_debtor_name = NULL, sort_null_only = NULL, nature_of_debt = NULL, sort_hide_null = NULL, max_date = NULL, candidate_id = NULL, max_amount_incurred = NULL, sort = NULL, min_amount = NULL, min_date = NULL, min_image_number = NULL, image_number = NULL, max_amount = NULL, committee_id = NULL, max_image_number = NULL, line_number = NULL) get_schedule_d(data = NULL, api_key = Sys.getenv("DATAGOV_API_KEY"), data_structure = "tidy", min_amount_incurred = NULL, min_payment_period = NULL, max_payment_period = NULL, creditor_debtor_name = NULL, sort_null_only = NULL, nature_of_debt = NULL, sort_hide_null = NULL, max_date = NULL, candidate_id = NULL, max_amount_incurred = NULL, sort = NULL, min_amount = NULL, min_date = NULL, min_image_number = NULL, image_number = NULL, max_amount = NULL, committee_id = NULL, max_image_number = NULL, line_number = NULL)
data | A dataframe or tibble. Usually this will be the returned result of search_candidates(). If a column is called 'candidate_id', get_candidate_totals() will return results for all IDs in that column and will attempt to join data to the result by candidate_id. Either this argument or candidate_ids is required |
api_key | API key for Get one at |
data_structure | A character describing how you want OpenFEC results. Options are 'tidy', 'list', or 'both.' Choose list for raw results. |
sort_null_only | Toggle that filters out all rows having sort column that is non-null |
sort_hide_null | Hide null values on sorted column(s). |
max_date | Maximum date |
candidate_id | A unique identifier assigned to each candidate registered with the FEC. If a person runs for several offices, that person will have separate candidate IDs for each office. |
sort | Provide a field to sort by. Use - for descending order. |
min_amount | Filter for all amounts greater than a value. |
min_date | Minimum date |
image_number | The image number of the page where the schedule item is reported. |
max_amount | Filter for all amounts less than a value. |
committee_id | A unique identifier assigned to each committee or filer registered with the FEC. In general committee id's begin with the letter C which is followed by eight digits. |
line_number | Filter for form and line number using the following format: FORM-LINENUMBER. For example an argument such as F3X-16 would filter down to all entries from form F3X line number 16. |
Schedule D shows debts and obligations owed to or by the committee that are required to be disclosed.